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Check out Our Retreats, Workshops, and Happy Hours for

Companies and Organizations!

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People are seeking the same things at work that they are seeking in life:  a sense of belonging or connection, creativity, and purpose. Organizations can help their employees find internal optimism and resilience and thrive! Schools can help their educators and students live their best lives, too!

There are simple tools, backed by science and research, that can truly help companies find that missing happiness element and I can help you deliver those tools in fun and unique ways! 

We can bring a Camp Atta Girl! to your company. Or, go to and learn how we can help EVERYONE with a happiness workshop tailored to your organization, company or school, for both women AND men!

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Because it's never too late to...

Rediscover that playful, happy girl inside...

Be that person you are meant to be...

Do what you're being called to do...

Shine your light and turn the world on with your smile.

No more playing small! Tap into that adventurous playful heart! Atta Girl! -

© 2025 The Happiness Element, LLC

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Organizations? We provide workshops, keynotes and retreats on Positive Psychology and the Science of Happiness. Check us out at 

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